Hito Steyerl - A Language of Practice - Reading Response

Hito Steyerl - A Language of Practice
guided questions and analyzing a piece of her work

  • What is a "thing language"?

    A "thing language" is a form of language which focuses on the things themselves, not the words. For example, if I wanted to talk about a cake, I would show you the cake. This helps a "thing language" to be more universally understood than a traditional spoken language.

  • What are some of the "things" that make up the transnational language of documentary?

    The standard narratives and forms are a couple of the things that make up the transnational language of documentary. Also, being based on reality is something that transcends nationalities because we all experience the human experience, regardless of language.

  • How does the "language of documentary" actually make differentiating between real and not real more complicated to figure out?


  • How does the language or tropes of documentary orientate us and isolate us at the same time?


  • What do understand a non public public sphere to be?


  • What is a private public sphere? What technologies made a private public sphere possible? Give an example of a private public sphere.

    A private public sphere is a place where things are shared with the public, but the things that are shared are controlled by a private entity.

  • What are the different ways that documentaries as distributed to the public in the present day?

    Today, a lot of our documentaries are shared via TV (Netflix, for example) or social media, generally youTube.

  • How does privatization lead to commercialism? (Think about: Compare PBS now to when you were a kid.)


  • Do a Google search on Hito Steyerl. Look at at least 3 videos so you can get a idea of what she does.

    Videos watched: Bubble Vision, HellYeahWeFuckDie, and Being Invisible Can be Deadly
    You can watch all three below, and there are many more videos online.

  • What connections did you see between her work online and what you just read? Please be specific when referring to one of her artworks.



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