Project Two - Proposal
Project Two's topic is "Unconventional Interview" and it's largely based around sound.
For this project, I'd like to do an interview on myself, but with a twist. My children will be the ones asking me the questions, and I'll answer them. The questions will be based around love and relationships, but they will be shuffled in a hat and randomly picked that way I only partially know what's coming. I may also have them (or someone else) write down questions so I really don't know what will be asked.
I feel like I'm pretty honest with my kids, but I'm curious to discover how much I filter myself when I explain things to them, while still being truthful with my answers. My kids are both teenagers now, so topics revolving around sex and love are constantly on their minds. I know they're curious beyond what they know, so I'd like to sit down and talk about it some more with them. I also hope that putting myself out there may help them to be more comfortable with opening a dialog with me about these kinds of things in the future.
I plan on using added audio to describe what I'm really thinking and the video to show what I tell them, possibly also including visuals which correlate with the audio of my thoughts. In order to keep track of my thoughts when answering, I'm going to jot down notes during the interview. I'll edit these parts out, using B-roll footage as a filler. Doing this will allow me to set up a traditional interview scene (a fixed shot of a person sitting in a chair talking), while also being able to catch my thoughts as they happen. Although I want to use footage which is very traditional in the realm of interviews, the unconventional part comes from conveying my thoughts alongside my verbal answers.
Because my B-roll footage will be based around my interview answers, I plan on starting the interview filming as soon as possible. Using the interview as a guide, I'm going to search for things to film and (audio) record which I feel correlate, or even juxtapose the things we talk about. A lot of this project comes down to the editing, so I want to get the interview and B-roll collection done in the next week or two that way I have plenty of time to edit the film.
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