Man with a Movie Camera Montage Collage - Overview
Watch Man with a Movie Camera once through.
Then, every 10-13 minutes, review 3 consecutive clips.
To review the clips, begin by taking a screen shot of the end of the first clip and the beginning of the second clip. Do this again for the second and third clips (4 images total). Review 6 separate sets of images (you'll have 24 screen shots for the assignment).
Describe how the clips are connected. Pay attention to the movement of the images, the camera angle and movement, as well as their content or activity. Write about the interplay between the formal and conceptual ideas that were employed in the editing.
My Montage Collage
If you'd like to see my write-up of the review of the clips I chose, click here.
I'd love it if you'd watch Man with a Movie Camera, and attempt your own Montage Collage of the film. Did you discover anything interesting? I included an embedded video below, but you can find other copies of this film as well. Your local library is a great resource!
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